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About me

Certified Embodiment Coach | Serial Social Entrepreneur | Life Artist

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The beautiful thing about changing the world is that it requires you to step into your truth and calling - you living in your greatest expression. And if you add frameworks and tools to create effective impact, you will be an unstoppable force of nature brimming with joy and power. My path took me to many different routes, following my curiosity and heart across the world filled with the dedication and passion to explore and create the most vibrant reality for myself and a more vibrant future where all have thriving lives in dignity. Here's an overview of my journey and areas of expertise:

Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

I followed my entrepreneurial curiosity when I entered college, studying business administration at the University of St. Gallen. When I was introduced to the notion of 'doing good with business, ' something in me awakened. I followed that calling to Harvard University, where I deep-dived into using entrepreneurial solutions to make the world a better place. My fascination for innovation and moonshots - making the impossible possible - gave me the audacious mindset to just go out there and make my visions for a better world a reality. Since then, I have founded, launched and led countless projects from an Innovation Community (Lunashots), to an Upcycling Project with refugees and my grandest so far, launching my NGO - Team Spirit International - working with refugees in Uganda to enhance their self-reliance. With my venture, I have been part of three incubators and cumulated that experience in launching an educational training in Uganda.

Entrepreneurship taught me that it is possible - to create your own reality, to bring your visions to fruition, to attract your community and create the needed change.

Curious to charter on your own journey? Book a free consultation with me!


Social Justice, International Development and Doing the Most Good

Following the call to use my work to do good, I explored what human flourishing entails academically, professionally and personally and am consistently learning how to enact that change.

I joined Effective Altruism, a global community dedicated to doing good better, took various classes, and dedicated my thesis to social justice and international development. All these experiences gave me a toolkit of experiences, skills and know-how on driving impact and achieving better conditions for all.

Everyone deserves a chance to live a thriving life in dignity. There are so many injustices in this world and sometimes it can make you numb and hopeless. But I believe in the boundless potential inside each one of us. I came across so many inspiring and amazing people and saw what is possible that it is not only hope but a deep conbication I have. That if we allow ourself the space to discover our own inner compass, tap into our talents and leverage that desire to make the world a better place, we are truly unstoppable.

On my own personal journey figuring out how I can contribute to the world, I discovered that for sustainable outer transformation and change one needs a stable inner foundation. Understanding yourself deeply and allowing yourself to live as your most expansive self is where you unlock your power and your liberation.

Healing, Embodiment and Claiming my Power

For a long time, I felt trapped in this rat race of being productive, perfect and doing everything all at once.  Although I followed my heart and experienced beauty in life, there was this undercurrent of being anxious, stressed out and overwhelmed. It even went so far that I experienced burnout at quite a young age. And as I discovered later, there was a lot of trauma unadressed that I 'never had time' to process. So, I started being coached some years ago, and the booked that changed everything was ‘Discover Your Dharma’ by Sahara Rose. An Ayurvedic concept that everyone has unique gifts and by fully expressing and owning them, you are claiming your soul’s purpose aka destiny. This outlook completely transformed how I viewed my role in the world and I saw myself as being on my own hero’s path towards my greatest liberation. The next step on my hero's journey was being coached regularly to work through my own self-limiting beliefs and trauma. And by some greater calling, I decided to go even deeper and undertake the ‘Embodiment Coaching Certification’ by the Highest Self Institute. And let me tell you - I have never felt more powerful, at peace, and alive as I do now.


Why I decided to do coaching?

Embodiment allowed me to reconnect with my body and stop only operating from a mental space. It gave me a new form of freedom and grounding, strenghtening my inner compass and giving myself a new form of clarity. I felt more connected and alive than I have ever felt before. Overcoming my obstacles, experiencing this deep transformation and seeing that many share the same struggles, I felt called to share this incredible work and my learnings to support people in claiming their power for living their best life and a better world. And to create a community  for people to come together in that shared desire.


Life Artist, Travel and Holistic Thriving

Since I was a child, a big part of my life was about traveling. I love to learn about a new culture and experience how other people live -  this serves as my main source of inspiration on creating my own life path. It also gave me the humuility and a more in-depth perspective about my own biases and world views. Because there are endless ways to live your life and no one truth. So, for me, living my purpose is about creating a life where I use my talents and passions to create a better world while I have an environment where I feel truly alive, can satiate my curiosity and vigor for life daily, and get to grow and have an inspiring and warm community around me. Be that living with a community of Effective Altruists in Berlin, studying in Boston and experiencing the USA college life, dancing on the beach at Zanzibar with other digital nomads, speaking at a conference in Sweden, exploring Kampala after our project launch, teaching and traveling around in Zambia, and now living in Mexico embracing the magic of this ancient land and offering embodiment experiences in person. Unleashing your full potential means creating the life of your dreams.


The only thing standing in your way is yourself. So the good thing is that you can make it happen. And you don't need to be alone in this - I am here for you and cannot wait to support you on your journey towards your dreams.

Be your most vibrant self

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