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Special Experiences

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Activate your Highest Self amongst Like-Minded Beings


In my workshops, I aim to provide a safe and supportive space for emotional expression, enabling participants to navigate the waves of life, release suppressed emotions, and achieve an embodied, aligned state. These sessions are designed to foster self-discovery and emotional well-being. These are the circles I offer: - Emotional Resilience: How to ride the emotional wave instead of being drowned by it - Emotional Release: Be ready to go deep, feel your emotions and release all that no longer serves you - Joy Ceremony: Embark on a transformative journey of gratitude and joy, reigniting childlike wonder and play - Highest Self Activation: Feel your true power and embody your most fulfilled version - Purpose Discovery: Uncover what ignites your soul, and find out what you truly want to do and create in this lifetime

Upcoming Sessions

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